katherine kennedy

Katherine Kennedy graduated summa cum laude with a BFA in dance and a BBA in management from Western Michigan University in the spring of 2019. She grew up in Madison, Wisconsin, extensively studying ballet, modern, jazz, tap, and contemporary. During her time at WMU, she performed in works choreographed by Joshua Manculich, Monique Haley, Christian Denice, and David Curwen, as well as in the restaging of professional works choreographed by Aszure Barton, Lindsey Thomas, and Lew Christensen. Additionally, she performed with Western Dance Project during the 2017-2018 season. Katherine has taught dance for seven years, working with dancers ranging in age from 3 - adult. She is passionate about sharing dance with her community, and has worked administratively with Wellspring/Cori Terry & Dancers in Kalamazoo, MI and American Dance Festival in Durham, NC to support arts education. Upon graduation Katherine moved to St. Louis to perform as a Convergence Trainee with The Big Muddy Dance Company and is excited for her first season with MADCO 2!
